
How does registration work?

The Registration Desk is open from 9.30am on Saturday, and is your first port of call when you arrive at BarCamp London 7. For security purposes, you will need to provide some form of photo ID (passport, driving license or student card) or a bank card along with a print-out of your BarCamp confirmation email, when you register.

Once we have verified your details you’ll be presented with your name badge and IBM security pass. These should be worn at all times whilst you are inside the building. Failure to do so may lead you to being removed from the building by IBM security.

How do the sessions work?

Unlike traditional conferences, the schedule for sessions at a BarCamp are decided by the participants. After the welcome talk at 11am on Saturday, they’ll be a chance to go fill out the schedule grid.

Pick a topic to talk about – you can talk about absolutely anything, previous events have included sessions on HTML, version control and advanced programming techniques all the way to baking and making the perfect cup of tea! Once you’ve decided on a subject, take a card and place it in your chosen time slot. There are multiple sessions going on at any one time, so try and guess how popular your talk might be, and pick a suitable room.

Don’t worry if you don’t understand any of the above. The BarCamp Crew will be on hand to answer any questions you have.

BarCamp Schedule

09:30 Doors and Registration Open
11:00 Welcome Talk
12:00 Sessions
13:00 Lunch sponsored by Starbucks
14:00 Sessions
16:00 Afternoon tea sponsored by Labs
16:30 Sessions
18:30 Dinner provided by The Team
20:00 Sessions
21:30 Party sponsored by Vodafone
Overnight – board games, lynching of werewolves and much more!
08:00 GMT Breakfast sponsored by The Guardian
09:00 Doors and registration open (If you don’t stay overnight!)
10:00 Sessions
13:00 Picnic lunch sponsored by the Nokia
14:00 Sessions
16:00 Closing Talk
17:00 Head to a local pub!